Saturday, April 5, 2008

The Learning Has Begun!

My first Learning 2.0 blog entry, how exciting. In libraries we are required to wear so many hats, some of them willingly, others not so. The chance to don an explorer's mantle in conjunction with so many colleagues can only make for a more dynamic public library network in NSW.

I've fiddled with the look of my blog long enough - appearances aren't everything! - time to go live and face the world.


ITnitwit said...

'The Many Hatted Librarian' - what a good description of most of us! I tell people at the desk every librarian has to be able to do at least four things at once! Your last post is a while ago so I hope you are able to continue with the course and add 'Web 2.0 Provisional' even if not 'Web 2.0 Expert' to your had labels!!! Good luck from Itnitwit.

Dusty notes said...

Dusty notes that if you misremember the title (as often happens) and try "mad hatted" instead of "many hatted" the results are quite illuminating.

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